Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki

Galvan B is the moon of Galvan Prime.


In the past, Galvan B was much like Earth's Moon. There were miles of dead rock, no night or day, and no atmosphere.

Galvan scientists like Azmuth worked on terraforming Galvan B to make it habitable, for future colonization attempt but the project didn't go as planned such as when it brought forth an entire new species called the Galvanic Mechamorphs. As they came to life the Galvan allowed them to keep their world and live in peace as neighbors. With the help of the Galvan, they built an entire civilization in mere days.

In Showdown: Part 1, Galvan B was destroyed by Malware.

File:Galvan B Destroyed.png

Galvan B Destroyed

In Showdown: Part 2, Galvan B was quickly repaired by the Galvanic Mechamorphs.

Notable Inhabitants
